
Jasmine Lieb Yoga Teachings


Jasmine Lieb was a brilliant and inspiring teacher who offered a new, novel therapeutic approach to practicing Yoga. Jasmine’s yoga was original, thoughtful, and transformative. Those of us who attended her classes were profoundly impacted by her teachings, her keen wisdom, and abundant generosity.

As one student said: “it was in her classroom that we discovered a life beyond fighting, force, and fear and learned to take our first breaths of relaxed presence.”

Our intent through this website is to honor her legacy and to preserve the unique teachings and methodology which Jasmine had developed over the years, and to offer and preserve the audio recordings of her classes. 

Our goal is to expand on this collection through your contribution so yoga students and teachers alike can benefit from this exceptional method. Your support is greatly appreciated!

You Will Be In Our Hearts Forever”

"As a Yoga teacher, Jasmine worked intuitively. Her long, simple, gravity-fed poses sometimes rushed like waterfall or trickled like a steady rivulet, moving things along, sweeping fascia into the emotions and sweeping emotions through the fascia, releasing torrents of tears, sweat, pus, purging all manner of impurities. The gently raised tailbone or elevated pelvis or firmly planted feet became offerings into the universe, beckoning toward symmetry and balance, quenching the thirst of any and all bodies in need of rejuvenation. "

Dr. Christopher Key Chapple
Doshi Professor of Indic and Comparative Theology
Loyola Marymount University

Dear Students of Jasmine,

We are honored for Jasmine’s teachings to be so sought after that a website has been created in honor of her and her life’s work (other than me of course). We are excited that recordings of classes will be available to all those who loved her on the JasmineLiebYoga.org web site.

We know that throughout her years teaching, she allowed her students to take audio recordings for personal use only. They contain valuable content that meaningfully contribute to therapeutic yoga’s advancement. Additionally, they can be used by students who wish to study her method. These recordings are an important part of her legacy and a testament to her experience, insights, effectiveness, as well as the depth of her yoga teachings.

JasmineLiebYoga.org is a dedicated site to Jasmine, and at this juncture, it is a repository of all the class recordings. It is our pleasure to contribute these audio recordings to her students and the yoga community. Every body is unique and these teachings were of course meant to be used with her being physically present and adjusting your body however, given her passing, since she cannot be present, please use caution and listen to your body when following instructions from the audio/video recordings as injuries can occur. We suggest using these as a resource for you with the help of your yoga therapist/mentor to ensure maximum safety and effect. We cannot be held responsible for any injuries that occur while using audio recordings of past classes.

Please feel free to forward any class audio recordings to JasmineLiebYoga@gmail.com (for technical support, please contact: m.mansouri@gmail.com)

Thank you for all your support and thank you for BE-ing you.

Yours Sincerely,

Casey and Stephen Lieb


We consider Jasmineliebyoga.org web site to be a community site
and we’d appreciate your contribution to improve its content.

Donations are voluntary and are for the continued development and maintenance of Jasmineliebyoga.org web site